W(Women×Well-Being)のチカラが明日を変える:ウェルビーイング in アジア 実現のための女性リーダー育成プログラム


結城 貴子 氏
(国際開発センター 経済社会開発部 主任研究員)

日時 2022年1月12日(水)15:00-18:00
※日にちが変わりました 2021/12/15(水) → 2022/1/12(水)
会場 オンライン
Education and gender: working at/with World Bank and JICA for children in developing countries
結城 貴子 氏
株式会社 国際開発センター 経済社会開発部 主任研究員
Takako Yuki is a Senior Researcher in Social Development Department at the International Development Center of Japan (IDCJ). Her current work includes a JICA's study for a direction of the cooperation in basic education and a third-party evaluation of the education cooperation policy by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously, she worked at the World Bank, JICA Research Institute, University of Tokyo, and private firms. At the World Bank, Yuki's major contributions were in areas of public education expenditures and formulation and supervision of education projects for all sub-sectors, including early childhood, primary, secondary education, community colleges, and universities in coordination with other international and bilateral organizations in Middle East and North Africa region. At JICA, she was a leader for research projects, regarding higher education in East Asia, gender in Middle East and school-based management in Africa region. She obtained a bachelor's degree in economics from Hitotsubashi University, a master degree in international development from Cornell University, and a PhD from University of Tokyo for the doctoral dissertation regarding education and development in Indonesia and Yemen.


E-mail:yamamori[at]gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp [at]→@)