W(Women×Well-Being)のチカラが明日を変える:ウェルビーイング in アジア 実現のための女性リーダー育成プログラム


吉川 元偉 氏(元国連日本政府代表部特命全権大使)

日時 2019年12月4日(水)15:00-18:00
会場 東山キャンパス 国際開発研究科棟8階 第1会議室
Part -Ⅰ : Sustainable Development Goals: What can WE do?
Part -Ⅱ : Legacies of Madam Sadako Ogata
吉川 元偉 氏
国際基督教大学 特別招聘教授
Mr. Yoshikawa was born in Nara, Japan, in 1951. In 1974, he graduated from the ICU, International Christian University in Tokyo. In the same year, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. In June, 2013, he was appointed as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, the post he held for 3 years. He ran the election campaign for Japan's candidature for a non-permanent seat at the Security Council. In 2015, Japan won the election with 184 votes, the highest ever for Japan, at the General Assembly and Ambassador Yoshikawa served as a member of the Security Council from January 2016 till his last day in NY. As a member of the Security Council, he was instrumental in passing the Security Council Resolution 2270 against the nuclear test conducted by the North Korea. In 2016, he signed, on behalf of Japan, the Paris Agreement to cope with the climate change.
After retiring from the 42-year diplomatic service, Ambassador Yoshikawa was named Distinguished Professor at his Alma Mater, International Christian University, or ICU, in April 2017. He teaches international relations and diplomacy.


問合せ・登録先:ウェルビーイングプログラム(国際開発研究科)特任助教 古藪 真紀子
E-mail:koyabu[at]gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp [at]→@)