W(Women×Well-Being)のチカラが明日を変える:ウェルビーイング in アジア 実現のための女性リーダー育成プログラム


大崎 敬子 氏(常磐大学・常磐短期大学 学長)

日時 2019年10月23日(水)15:00-18:00
会場 東山キャンパス 国際開発研究科棟8階
Pursuing a career at the United Nations
大崎 敬子 氏
常磐大学・常磐短期大学 学長、
Dr. Keiko Osaki-Tomita is the President of Tokiwa University and Tokiwa Junior College, located in Mito, Japan. She had a long professional career at the United Nations. From 2009 to 2018, she was Assistant Director as well as Chief of Demographic and Social Statistics Branch of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) in New York, where she led the global collection and dissemination of demographic and social statistics, including migration statistics, and the development of standards and norms for statistical activities in these areas. Prior to this position, she was Chief of the Social Policy and Population Section at United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) in Bangkok, Thailand, and Chief of the Migration Section of UN Population Division at the UN Headquarters in New York. Her areas of academic interests include demography, international migration, gender issues, social statistics and the monitoring of SDGs. She also serves as a member of United Nations Expert Group on International Migration Statistics.

Dr. Osaki-Tomita holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Fordham University, USA, and a MA degree in Demography from Georgetown University, USA.


問合せ・登録先:ウェルビーイングプログラム(国際開発研究科)特任助教 古藪 真紀子
E-mail:koyabu[at]gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp [at]→@)