W(Women×Well-Being)のチカラが明日を変える:ウェルビーイング in アジア 実現のための女性リーダー育成プログラム


Special Seminar
Dr. Amrita Dass(Institute for Career Studies,
Indian Institute of Management)

日時 2019年5月17日(金)13:30-15:00
会場 東山キャンパス 国際開発研究科棟8階 第1会議室
Being Future Ready in a VUCA World
Dr. Amrita Dass
The Founder-Director, Institute for Career Studies (ICS-International),
Visiting faculty, Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
Dr. Amrita Dass is a leading Educationist and Career-Consultant of the country. She is the Founder-Director of the Institute for Career Studies (ICS-International), established in 1985 and has the distinction of pioneering the career counselling and guidance services in the country. In the Higher Education sector, she contributes as a consultant to upcoming universities on a wide range of issues.
Dr. Dass has also been a Member of the Steering Committee on Women and Child Development, Planning Commission of India for the Ninth Five Year Plan and has served on the boards of nationalized banks with a strong mandate on social development. For her professional work she has been felicitated by the Rotary Award for Vocational Excellence and TCS as Women Achiever of the Year. She has recently been awarded the "Outstanding Women Achiever Award" by the Lucknow Management Association.


問合せ先:ウェルビーイングプログラム(国際開発研究科)特任助教 古藪 真紀子
E-mail:koyabu[at]gsid.nagoya-u.ac.jp [at]→@)